Player Builder
Use the builder to see how easy it is to customize Fluid Player while seeing your changes in real-time in the video player
on the left, cut and paste the code created in the code generator box below the player to insert into your website
Pre-roll URL
Mid-roll URL
Post-roll URL
On pause-roll URL
<script src=""></script>
<video id="video-id"><source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
var myFP = fluidPlayer(
'video-id', {
"layoutControls": {
"controlBar": {
"autoHideTimeout": 3,
"animated": true,
"autoHide": true
"htmlOnPauseBlock": {
"html": null,
"height": "400",
"width": "650"
"autoPlay": false,
"mute": true,
"allowTheatre": true,
"playPauseAnimation": true,
"playbackRateEnabled": true,
"allowDownload": true,
"playButtonShowing": true,
"fillToContainer": false,
"posterImage": "your-real-file-here.png"
"vastOptions": {
"adList": [
"roll": "preRoll",
"vastTag": "",
"adText": ""
"roll": "midRoll",
"vastTag": "",
"adText": ""
"roll": "postRoll",
"vastTag": "",
"adText": ""
"roll": "onPauseRoll",
"vastTag": "",
"adText": ""
"adCTAText": "Skip AD",
"adCTATextPosition": "top"